Vietnams Golf Courses during Covid-19 pandemic
Currently, Corona Virus (Covid-19) is more and more dangerous in Vietnam. It is a fact that many new patients appear in community.To join hands withthe State and our community in fighting the outbreak of Covid-19, Vietnam Daily Golf would like to announce the service suspension of some of Vietnam’s golf courses (detailed in the image below). Some of golf course are closedfor now. So please take medical measures to ensure healthy safety for yourself, your family and the community by some medical measures including wear the mask, check body temperature, wash your hands by alcohol… when come to still-opening golf courses.We hope that our beloved golfers understand the inconvenience. With any changes, Vietnam Daily Golf will update you as soon as possible.

Vietnam Daily Golf hopes that all Vietnamese people and all people around the world can strongly overcome the difficult time, stay strong and stay safe. We wish you all the best and cannot wait to welcome you back to Vietnam!